World AIDS Day 2007
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HIV is an issue for everyone!
Hundreds of cases of HIV are being diagnosed in Lebanon each year, and the only way we can stop it from spreading is by creating a more AIDS aware society in which EVERYONE takes action.

World Aids Day on December 1 casts light on this epidemic and is there every year to remind us that HIV has not gone away, and there are many things still to be done.

We’ve created, for a start, the most convenient way for you to get involved now!

Send any SMS to 1010 to donate $1 in support of AIDS patients;  effective from this moment till December 23, 2008. And inform all your acquaintances!

World Aids Day is a day of action for everyone which means a wide range of Anwar Al Mahabba Volunteers up and down the country are already busy trying to organize ways for you to get involved: events, fundraising, awareness activities and on-the-street campaigns with informative flyers, donation baskets and red ribbon pins. Please join us for a month of education, fundraising and hope.

World AIDS day is about raising money to support patients throughout the year, but also about increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education in Lebanon.

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